The EL-IPD-PRE-MSI Multi Zone Preamp Audio Matrix can be used in a stand-alone configuration or with other amplifiers and pre-amps within the ELAN IP audio distribution family of products by adding the optional Dante™ Audio Networking Card.
In stand alone mode when paired with external amplifiers will support up to 22 input sources (6 digital, 16 mono / 8 stereo analog RCA and 1 stereo 3.5mm typically used as the doorbell input from an ELAN System Controller). Each RCA analog input can be configured as left, right or as mono. 12 line level outputs can be configured as 12 mono or 6 stereo output zones or as subwoofer out. Each can be configured as left, right, mono, or sub out.
Adding the optional Dante™ Networking card connects sources to other Dante™ enabled ELAN IP amplfiers using existing networks.
ELAN IP enabled audio distribution simplifies whole house audio distribution and enhances the intelligent home by delivering high quality audio over the existing network. Easily scaling from a single chassis solution to a decentralized multi-chassis / multi-source implementation, ELAN IP audio distribution meets the needs for projects of up to 64 individual zones.
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