TOST - TRIAX Optical Satellite Transmitter is the core component on headend side of the TOF (Triax Optical Fibre) system. This unit converts RF Wideband or Quatro SAT-IF for transmission over a PON (Passive Optical Network).
The transmitter is an installer friendly plug-and-play solution thanks to built-in Automatic Gain Control (AGC) and Automatic Slope Control (ASC) of the RF inputs.
The TOST consists of two separate optical transmitters 1310 and 1330nm for wideband SAT-IF LOW and HIGH bands. They are combined to a WDM signal at the TOST output for transmission over single mode fibre cabling.
The optical output signal of this headend unit can drive up to 64 optical splits directly.
Up to 128 splits can be deployed when using the TWOC optical wideband receivers.