MotionCam has a built-in camera that takes photos once the detector is triggered. It needs just 9 seconds to show the actual situation on the scene. With visual evidence available in Ajax apps, the security company can quickly check whether the threat is real to respond accordingly. Photo verification relieves users of unnecessary anxiety and security companies of false patrol calls.
Main Features
- LED indicator
- Motion detector lens
- Infrared (IR) backlight, used to take photos in dark and low-light conditions
- SmartBracket mounting panel. To remove the panel, slide it down
- Perforated parts of the mounting panel. Necessary to trigger a tamper in case of any attempt to detach the detector from the surface
- The hole for attaching the SmartBracket mounting panel with a screw
- Places for the cables
- Tamper button, triggers when an attempt is made to detach the detector from the surface or remove it from the mounting panel
- Terminal strip connection socket